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League Rules and Policies

Waiver & Release

Players utilizing the Bayshore Community Center do so at their own risk. The property owner(s), league operators, and GHBL committee assume no liability for any injuries or accidents which may occur. Please reference the GHBL Waiver and Release Forms, and signage posted within the facility.


The waiver must be filled out and turned in prior to participating in activities at the Westmoor facility. Any participant under the age of 18 is considered a minor and can not sign the waiver. Any minor will need a parent or legal guardian to sign the waiver on their behalf.

Facility Policies

  1. Conduct within the facility should be in the spirit of good sportsmanship at all times.

  2. At no time shall spectators enter the field to speak with officials, coaches, or players. Any spectator that enters the field to confront an official or another player will be suspended from the facility.

  3. Rude, inappropriate, and disrespectful language is not tolerated and will result in facility suspension.

  4. Should you find or lose any items please report the incident immediately to any member of the GHBL committee. Westmoor official(s) and staff do not assume responsibility for any items lost or stolen.

  5. No food or drinks on the basketball courts. Outside. Players and referees may bring 1or 2  water bottles.

  6. No animals, with the exception of service animals, will be allowed in the facility.

  7. No glass containers on the basketball courts, or in the player boxes.

  8. Video recording or photography from the player may be taken with permission.

  9. Children must be supervised at all times.

  10. Balls shall not be kicked, thrown, or hit against the building walls (interior or exterior) unless on the playing field. Damage caused by these actions shall be the financial responsibility of the individual, or their parents or legal guardians.

League Rules

All play must be conducted as set forth in the Rules of GBHL as modified (March 27, 2019)


  1. Minimum AGE

    • Players must be 50 years old (or will turn 50 during the season) with good moral character. Any player who had previously been suspended or banned from other basketball leagues due to threats, fights, or arguments with players, referees, coaches, commissioner, committee members, and fans (in attendance) is not allowed to play in our league. No exceptions! Players with previous professional or semi-professional experience may join the league but must have prior approval from the committee.


    • Entry fee is $135.00 per player. An initial payment of $50.00 before the first game, is required. No player will be allowed to play without the initial cost.

    • All players must be on the roster and paid in full by game three (3) of the season. This includes ALL committee members and team leaders. This is a non-profit league; all fees collected go directly to the center of the gym (GHBL).

    • A player who is unable to pay in full after the third game will be replaced by a new player from the Waiting List. The replacement player will pay the difference of the remaining balance for the season. Absolutely No REFUNDS!


    • Each player must purchase and wear the official league uniform or he is not allowed to play. League uniform is available for purchase from the committee

    • Home team wear light  jerseys

    • Away team wear dark jerseys


    • All players must play a minimum of one quarter regardless of their skills.

    • 7 Regular season games + Postseason.

    • Games will consist of two 20 minute halves.

    • Halftime will only be a 5 minute rest time.

    • A timeout can only be called by the team that has control of the ball.  The other team can call a timeout when the referee whistles for a dead ball.

    • Maximum fouls = 5 including technical

    • Overtime is 3 minutes of stoppage time.  In the case of double overtime, sudden death will apply – meaning the first team that scores are the winner

    • Games can start with 4 players.  Less than 4 players is an automatic default. If during the game the team has 3 players left, it is an automatic default.

    • Scores for a forfeited game is 25-0

    • Any cursing or display of unsportsmanlike conduct will result in a technical foul given to the offending player

    • In the event of an ejection, players will be suspended for a minimum of a week forcing them to miss the following game.


    • Protests must meet all of the following criteria :

      (a) Upon alleged infraction, a protest must be communicated at the time of the infraction to

      the official scorer’s table by the TEAM's Captain or his designate if TEAM Captain is not


      (b) Upon completion of the game, the protest must immediately be communicated to any the

      Committee member

      (c) A written protest must be delivered in person by the Team's Captain or designate to the

      committee within 24 hrs hours of the completion of the game. E-mails or

      texts can be accepted. 

      (d) Protests pertaining to an official’s judgment call will not be considered. Protests in

      which a potential rule infraction has occurred may be considered only if the infraction

      has a direct impact on the outcome of the game.

      (e) The committee will consider all protests and make every effort to provide a ruling prior

      to the team’s next game.

    • All players and coaches will comply with the referee’s decision.

  6. Players must sign the waiver forms prior to playing their first game.

  7. Fighting or altercations will be grounds for a lifetime ban in our league.

  8. A player can be replaced permanently in the regular season due to injury or other special circumstances, such as work schedule, family issues, and others only after the approval of the Commissioner. The replacement player must be approved by the Commissioner first before the player is allowed to join the team. No replacement players are allowed once the Playoffs start. It is the responsibility of the player/team to pay the remaining balance of the player that was replaced.


    • Schedules will be posted online and are subject to change. Please check regularly

    • Team standings will be posted here

    • Latest commissioner message

    • Team photos


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